Keep up with the latest News at Cohen & Master as well as hear from our very own C&M Professionals in Climbers Corner.
Our Plant Health Care Rig – A Tree Pharmacy on Wheels!
Unlike you and I, a tree can’t make an appointment at a doctor’s office. They can’t order their prescriptions and pick them up at the pharmacy or go to the [...]
How Soil PH Impacts the Health of your Trees
There are many factors that affect the health and appearance of your tree. Some factors, such as light, water, and soil availability, are obvious and more easily assessed. However, the [...]
Keeping Your Trees Well-Fed This Spring
A forest is a self-sustaining environment. Organisms in and above the soil work together to make nutrients available to trees and plants, and in return the vegetation provides food from [...]
Roots Love Myccorhizae, and Myccorhizae Love Roots!
Mycorrhizae (my-cor-rhi-za) is a unique type of fungi that does not produce its own food source, and therefore relies on the roots of plants for energy. In exchange, the Mycorrhizae [...]
Why is Water so Important to Plants?
Water is vital for the life and survival of all plants. Water is also essential for the transportation of nutrients and sugars from the soil to the plants. All plants [...]
Want Healthy Plants? Give Your Soils Room to Breathe.
Why do trees require un-compacted soils? Trees require un-compacted soils to allow for proper root growth, spread and movement. Heavily compacted soils also restrict the movement of air and water [...]
Why Do Plants Need Biology In Soils?
Healthy fertile soils take hundreds of years to develop. Naturally developed forest soil contains an enormously complex system of living organisms, organic material, and aggregates. Trees and soil have evolved [...]
Your 2017 Plant Health Forecast
Last year we had an incredibly dry summer. What does that mean for your trees and plants in 2017? The team of arborists at Cohen & Master has been watching [...]
Mature Tree Care
We take great pride in working in trees like this majestic Elm tree in the Rosedale area. This 100+ year old tree with a trunk diameter of almost one [...]
Get Your Tree Winter Ready With These 4 Tips!
With our dry summer and mild fall winding down, it’s time to make sure your trees are ready for whatever winter has in store. Get started with these tips from [...]
Tension Beams
Here is a defect that is frequently referred to as a tension beam. This occurs with long, overextended limbs that extend out from the canopy at an open angle. This [...]
City Cider – Sunday, September 18th
Yesterday, we had the privilege of participating in Not Far From the Tree's annual City Cider event at the Spadina Museum Historic House & Gardens. We had an amazing time [...]
Lasting Effects of a Summer Drought
The cattle in this bucolic photo have pushed through the fences on this farm a half dozen times in the last week in search of better food sources. The pastures [...]
Summer Drought in the GTA
Catastrophic weather for our Trees and Shrubs In Canada we all eagerly await the arrival of warmer weather. The high temperatures become tolerable when we think back to the chill [...]
Tree Failure in the Urban Environment
Comments on recent limb failure causing a fatality at Trinity Bellwoods Park (Toronto. June 17 2016) To view PDF Version: [gview file="https://www.cmtrees.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Trinity-Bellwoods-Park-Tree-Failure-in-the-Urban-Evironment.pdf"] Introduction: On June 20, 2016, Cohen & Master Tree [...]
Keep Your Trees Healthy This Summer With These Tips:
Now that summer has arrived, your trees are going to require a bit of specific attention in order to keep them healthy. High temperatures mean your trees will need to [...]
Dutch Elm Disease
Elms are highly valuable and beautiful trees within our urban environment. Almost entirely wiped out by Dutch Elm Disease, any live Elm tree today should be cherished and cared [...]
The Benefits of Green Roofs
Green roofs are now a regulatory requirement for large scale construction projects in the city. Unfortunately, many are being neglected by their owners and as the plants fade they are [...]
Willow Tree Pruning
Willows are graceful and impressive trees. These trees are fast growing and can pack on size relatively quickly. Unfortunately, this feature also results in a weak, softer wood that is [...]
Lime Ridge Monument: U of T Campus
This monument on UofT campus is over 145 years old. It was unveiled in 1870 to commemorate the volunteer militia that fought against the Fenian invasion at the Battle of [...]
Trees: Our Planet’s Superheroes
We need trees. Now more than ever. Global warming. Climate change. Greenhouse gasses. These terms are not only becoming more popular, but are also a sobering reality of the consequences [...]
The Effect of Ice on Trees
Freezing rain on limbs does not cause direct biological problems for trees. The ice can in fact insulate the limbs from deeper cold rather than causing any deeper freezing. Ice [...]
A very lovely thank you letter from the Spadina Museum
The pleasure was all ours! We love having the opportunity to help out in our community. Full transcript: "Dear Tomas and Geoff: Please accept my sincere thanks for your very [...]
A Note on Roots and Tree Stability
It is a common misconception that the root system of a tree is a reflection of the tree canopy, extending below the ground as deep as the tree is tall. [...]